Who we are

PayCycle is owned by John Styles (BSc, ACII, DPM), Patrick Walkington (BSc, MBA) and Stuart Lane.
John is a veteran of the cycle trade having worked for Madison, Zyro and windwave. John is now an Independent Sales Agent (see www.johnlstyles.co.uk) as well as Sales Director for PayCycle. John also consults and writes for industry publications and you can find links to his articles here www.cyconomist.com
Patrick and Stuart worked with John at the wholesale industry giant, Palmer and Harvey managing their Direct Debit buying group scheme. Nowadays, they own Gainsmore, an independent buying group with a 28 year trading history in the CTN sector. Gainsmore hold a Direct Debit license and are sub-contracted by Pay-Cycle to operate the administration, logistics and banking for PayCycle.
John first started working with Gainsmore when he became an Independent Sales Agent in 2014, introducing Gainsmore to Orbea and several smaller suppliers.
- Gainsmore has been collecting Direct Debits for over 4 years, totalling several £6.7 Million to date.
- The collection rate has averaged 95.2% (with most of the 'bounced' 4.8% from just an handful of retailers)
- There are around 100 IBDs already in the system, suppliers can sign up new retailers with a 2 page form.
Realising that other suppliers might also want a Direct Debit facility, we created PayCycle (as both a separate company and more importantly as a stand-alone website portal.)
The Gainsmore/PayCycle office is staffed by our team of Administration Controllers: Gaynor Howell and Tracey Clement.
What we do
PayCycle specialises in collecting invoices by Direct Debit, our aim is to simplify, streamline and speed up payments. We collect money in a single weekly payment from a large number of Retailers. We pass the money on quickly to their Suppliers. This provides time and cost-efficiency savings for both parties. PayCycle only collects money from UK based retailers, however we can send money to any Suppliers based in overseas markets.
Operating as a Buying Group, we are not a debt collection agency or factoring house. We don't chase for late payment, "own the debt" or guarantee payment. Retailers retain full control of who they pay, and when. And it's free-to-use for the retailer. Supplier fees are less than 0.5% and are only charged on successfully collected invoices.